I wish to know if there is any documentation available on custom add-in implementation?.
What type of add-ins are you looking to implement?
We're not there yet due to other project priorities, but I know we'd like rich text capabilities (especially the full Telerec capabilities we have implemented via iframes in V7). Perhaps fuller DevExpress grid capabilities also, but I have not had a chance to see if the DevExpress grids baked into V9 can replace the solution we have in V7 (and V6).
I have developed a custom groupbox in .NET and as I can see in customisation video hosted on metastorm's site, I should be able to create add-in config file in designer folder and deployment folder. I have created an add-in file in the desired folder but cannot view the custom .NET control in designer window.
So you want to create custom form controls. I thought that was probably what you were looking for. :smileyhappy:
Unfortunately, we don't have any documentation for that at this time. This will be part of the SDK, although not the first version of the SDK. What we wanted to show in the 9 Days of V9 was how the architecture is there to support this. However, before we publish this, we need to do the due diligence to make sure we can support it moving forward.
Hi Rob,
We wish to understand when the add-in functionality would be released?. We were anticipating that using custom controls developed in .NET we might be able to add those controls in Metastorm after SDK/SR2 is released.
Any roadmap for including this type of functionality in SR3?. When is SR3 due by?.
We are not planning for an update of the SDK until after the 9.1 release. Version 9.1 is being targeted for the first quarter of 2011. The SDK will follow on a few months after. We are targeting form extensibility in this release and we are doing work around this now. However, whether this makes it in the end is dependant on time and resources and is subject to change.
hello we have 9.1 SR3 now. when can we expext updated SDK and possibility to make our own form controls?
Hello Everyone
We have 9.2.1 version and no chances to have upgraded SDK. We have no possibility to create our own controls - even if Metastorm was showing us such possibilities on 9 days for version 9 in November 2009!!!
I can only see in road map some SDK upgrade in H1 2014. I have no idea if there we will find any possibilities to create our own MBPM form controls. 3 years is realy long time, and I think community near to MBPM could create many good solutions to extend MBPM in this time.
OT guys - could you comment this a little bit more detailed?