I could not find PM 7.6 in the download area. IS SDK 7.6 available? (there is a document BPM 7.6 SDK Release Notes).
It looks like the SDK documentation was updated for 7.6 but the software components that ship in the SDK package were not. You should use the 7.5 SDK package.
Can someone please tell me how to get to the download for Metastorm BPM SDK for 7.6 or 7.5 or whatever it is that I need to work with BPM 7.7. I keep looking and searching but never find it.....
There is no 7.7 as i know. SDK you will find in partner zone.
Just to reiterate what NAH said before:
If you are using MBPM version 7.6, you need to download and install the 7.5 SDK. There is no install file for a 7.6 SDK. The 7.5 SDK can be found in the Customer and Partner Zones on the 'New Version Downloads' page.
However, there is updated SDK documentation for version 7.6. This can be downloaded from the 'Documentation' page of the the Customer and Partner Zones.
Is it possible for me to get my hands on the 7.5 SDK? I am a new member at BarclayCard US, but we don't see that SDK in the Customer Zone.