The information in this article applies to:
Product: MIM
Version: 8.5
Platform: Windows
IMPORTANT! The information in this article must not be used in production or other mission-critical environments.
When installing a MIM Service Release for a MIM installation on Windows, the install process creates a backup of the current MIM install prior to applying the service. The backup is a required step; InstallShield does not provide the option to skip the backup.
For test environments, it may be acceptable to skip the backup of the current MIM install to save disk space and time. The procedure to skip the backup of MIM is explained below.
For production or mission-critical environments, the backup step must NOT be skipped.
The following steps are not supported, nor recommended, when installing in production or other mission-critical environments due to the high risk. Should there be a problem with the upgrade, post-install issues, or any other circumstances that lead to the need to recover files or to rollback, it will not be possible.
The following steps require modification of the Windows Registry. Making changes to the Windows Registry is inherently dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Do not perform the procedure below if you cannot properly recover the Windows Registry should an issue be encountered, including corruption of the Windows Registry.
\* This procedure modifies the Windows Registry; therefore, the Registry should be backed-up prior to performing this procedure.
\* The user that performs the procedure below must have the permission to modify the Windows Registry.
1. Open Notepad.
2. Copy the following and paste it into Notepad:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
\[HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Metastorm\\Metastorm Integration Manager\\Install\]
3. Save the Notepad file as MIMSkipBackup.reg.
Before proceeding you must be an administrator.
4. Double-click MIMSkipBackup.reg.
5. In the Registry Editor dialog, click Yes.
6. In the Registry Editor dialog, click OK.
7. Start the MIM install and select Next when the Backup Location screen displays.
InstallShield still prompts for the backup location. However, the InstallShield confirmation screen that usually displays the selected backup directory will instead display "SKIPPING BACKUP".