is max width and height of designing form is restricted to screen resolution?
Perhaps so, it appears the Designer may not display large forms fully.
Here is my experience:
My screen resolution is 1920px wide by 1080px high.
I was able to resize a form using the properties to 2560px wide by 1600px high.
I put a rule on the form positioned at 0,0 and made it fill the form in the designer. The size of the rule was 1924px wide by 1066px high.
I was able to set the properties of the rule to larger values, and it would display full size in the browser (with scroll bars).
So, I believe you can make forms larger than your screen resolution, but the designer appears to be limited to displaying forms no larger than your screen resolution.
Hope this helps,
I converted a "long" form and could not work with "far down" fields in the designer because of whatever the developer screen size is. This means we cannot work with or maintain the fields in the designer, and cannot move them. I hope this issue gets resolved in the next SR release as this practically renders the upgrade of our existing processes (even if rewritten instead of converted) impossible to support. (The users of the system don't expect the data to have to be broken into set another tab.)
The form did display correctly when rendered by the client, but I cannot "get" to that part of the form to work with it.
It is odd. My forem size seems to be limited to 2560x1600, which is not my screen resolution. I have twin 1920x1200 monitors, making the potential size 3840x1200. It may be some maximum defined in the video card, but I doubt it as it should be much greater (a 1GB card).
You can place fields off the form, and get focus by draging the lassoo around them (or as near as possible) but it is not ideal. You can also select fields from the 'Inventory' of course, but again, not ideal for design.
I am having the same issue explained above using SR3 HF1. I contacted the help desk and seems like they are aware of this issue but there is an ambiguity around "is that a bug" or "an enhancement" to the product.
This seems like a show stopper to me if we can't design long forms. I will keep you updated with what the help desk suggests. In the mean while, anyone any workaround? I can't get the screen resolution higher as my video card does not allow it...
This could be a show stopper for us as well. I haven't gotten to the particular process conversion for our major process yet.
It works correctly just fine in V7 and there shouldn't be any reason why only smaller forms -- especially when not listed as something to address -- work in V9. Since existing forms should be able to be worked with in both forms ... I'd consider it a bug.
Whether a bug or enhancement, I'd hope they'd fix it in the next release.
Here's what I got from the support:
...the issue has been logged as a known defect, and is scheduled to be fixed by our development team. This is the reason why it is not documented anywhere. There is no fixed date for release, but we implement a service release every quarter. This may or may not be on this quarter’s release. There is no workaround for this issue, and it will only be implemented with a full Service Release, and not a simple Hotfix