When we select more than one control and Drag them with CTRL key down (to copy them to another place on the form) strange error occures (see attachments)
Firstly, I was not aware of the ability to Ctrl-drag to copy fields. Is it documented?
Secondly, when I do it in nothing happens, which is what I would have expected from previous versions, in fact.
OK, to be fair, the mouse pointer does change to add a '+' to indicate it will work. What is very strange is that it does not work with certain fields. I think it is any field associated with any Business Object, or if any of the selected fields are linked to a BO.
I can only see the problem you see when there is a dropdown in the selected fields, so it may well be that field causing the issue.
Having found a new toy, I just had to play.....
It turns out that if I have three text fields, one referring to Variable1, and another to Variable2, and another to Variable3, and do the Ctrl-Click-Drag method to copy them all, the references get reversed. I imagine the properties as a whole are being assigned to the wrong field.
I strongly suspect a LIFO stack instead of a FIFO (Last In First Out / First In First Out) or vice versa.