Process Business Object: Custom Variables ???

The Designer 9.0 U.G. syas that "Once variables have been added to the ProcessBusinessObject dataset, these variables will be accessible to any component (Process, Form, and Report) that binds to this ProcessBusinessObject." And also, "When you create a process, a process Business Object is created that can be viewed in the Business Objects Explorer." (26.4 Process Business Objects)


I have created my process, but there is no process Business Object visible in the Business Objects Explorer.

I have also created variables using "Manage Variables" from the Home toolbar/menu, but they are not available to my form.


Do I need to deploy first? I am also unable to deploy because there are no repositories in the dropdown in the deployment section of the home toolbar.

I do have a valid SQL Server Name in the Default Connection of the Repository Configuration Options. When I click Test Connection, it says, "Connection Successful". I can also Preview the connection and see the e... table names, etc.


I have several months experience with v7.6 and a couple of deployed procedures.





  • hmm, when you open process that you created, you should see this object in Data access panel.

    when u open form, you have to drag and drop this business object from toolbox to the form, than new instance of this object will be created and visible in Data access panel.


    about deploying: did you set up proper deploymentserviceconfig.xml path?

    You have designer and engine on the same machine?

    Maybe deployment service have not been started?

  • One of the major changes in version 9 is the fact that forms are no longer realted to process maps. You need to specifically bind the form to the process by dragging the Business Object from the toolbox to the form. This will ne named Data


    This issue is compounded for new users who use the default (in the latest build) approach to 'stacking' the window panes. You need to know which pane to select to see what can be done. I prefer the expanded layout that gives you an indication of what is available at all times.


    For those moving from v7 to v9, I have done an uncompleted set of reviews of changes:


  • When I display the process in the main part of the screen, then I do see the process business object in the data access pane. However, when I view the form in the main part of the screen, then the process business object is replaced by "Local".


    Is this related to deploying the project? Do I have to deploy the project in order to be able to add the process business object to the form?

  • I'm sorry I was not clear.


    You need to drag the Business Object for the Process onto the form to use the Process Variables. The BO will then appear in the lover panel of the BO Explorer. There is no need to deploy. The 'Local' BO is on every form by default for temporary local variables.


    The reason for this is that unlike v7 (and before) the forms are no longer specifically bound to the Process.

  • Actually you were very clear, but I was not. I already understood that I have to drag and drop the business object onto the form, but I couldn't find the business object when the form was open. I found the process business object in the data access pane (where I expected to find it) when the process was open, but it wasn't there when the form was open, so I couldn't drag & drop it onto the form...


    Until I almost accidentally found my process business object on the toolbox pane while the form was open and finally I succeeded in getting it onto the form!

  • I've been having the exact same problem, could ot see the BO when I was on the form, I followed your solution and checked in the toolbox and hey ho there it was! Thanks