The Designer 9.0 U.G. syas that "Once variables have been added to the ProcessBusinessObject dataset, these variables will be accessible to any component (Process, Form, and Report) that binds to this ProcessBusinessObject." And also, "When you create a process, a process Business Object is created that can be viewed in the Business Objects Explorer." (26.4 Process Business Objects)
I have created my process, but there is no process Business Object visible in the Business Objects Explorer.
I have also created variables using "Manage Variables" from the Home toolbar/menu, but they are not available to my form.
Do I need to deploy first? I am also unable to deploy because there are no repositories in the dropdown in the deployment section of the home toolbar.
I do have a valid SQL Server Name in the Default Connection of the Repository Configuration Options. When I click Test Connection, it says, "Connection Successful". I can also Preview the connection and see the e... table names, etc.
I have several months experience with v7.6 and a couple of deployed procedures.