We work on our own Provision reporting application using export of notebook into CIF and files with images. Our results are quite satisfactory and nowadays we are able to generate very smart reports on models we've done with advanced formatting. However we still miss some data to provide excellent outputs. Metastorms declares there is an open API, but we miss some documentation or description to find out how to get data we need.
Is there any API interface providing an access to objects in notebook and check properties that are not in exported CIF? We would appreciate to have a version of notebook to identify which notebook version was used to generate a given report. We miss such an API interface to get all the pictures of context rich workflow models or of all the layers of one model.
We have found out there is a structure for automation in file Interop.PVW.dll but there is no descriptive content to let us work with it. Does anybody has any experience with this issue?