Has anyone tried an XMI Export from Sparx EA to ProVision in UML 1.3 or 2.1 format, and if so what are the results that you found?
Arjun Bharath
Hi There I actually investigated investigated this problem and came back with the following findings:
- Metastorm ProVision supports the UML modelling language, so UML models created in Sparx EA can be imported in ProVision.
- ProVision supports frequently used Sparx EA diagrams such as activity diagrams, state diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams. However diagrams such as component diagrams, custom diagrams, interaction diagrams, object diagrams and timing diagrams are not supported
- The best results for an XMI export occurred when I selected the Unisys/Rose option in a UML 1.3 (XMI 1.1) format
- Activity diagrams converted poorly. Some models displayed nothing and some displayed labels but no objects. For all diagrams swimlanes did not convert as required
- Sequence diagrams also converted poorly, not displaying associations between objects
- State Diagrams were unable to display and objects, although some diagrams successfully displayed the labels of the states
- Use case diagrams converted everything as required except links between actors, as this is not supported in ProVision
- Conversion of Business Class Diagrams tended to be corrupt, and I did require to restart ProVision when selecting these models.
- Package diagrams were created when I selected the Unisys/Rose export format. They did display all package objects, but no attributes within the package
I have written a bit more information on my findings in the link here