This form is displayed in a User Stage, so it is read only. When the user clicks on the grid, the first time, ProcessContext.UserInput[0] picks up the keys for another Business Object, and the data from this other Bus Obj is displayed correctly.
However, subsequent clicks on other rows of the same grid do not update the field which comes from the second bus obj.
I also put a local field on the form to display the unique key from the grid, and that does update every time that the user clicks on the grid.
The grid is set to "Field has dependants of its own." And both the key field local component and the second bus obj field component have "Field is dependent on another".
I have tried putting the ProcessContext.UserInput[0] directly in the other bus obj parameter, and I have also tried using the local key field as the bus obj parameter. Both ways work exactly the same. Find for whatever row the user clicks first, but then that data field display remains locked, frozen. It doesn't change at all when the user clicks on the data grid.
Thanx in advance!!!