Hide start action from blank form list in version 9

Hi everyone,


in earlier version we used to use this elegant solution to define a dynamic role  so we could hide blank form action or administration forms from the blank form list in the client. %Evaluate((%User.Form = "")?() :(%User.Name)) .


Anoyone knows how to do this in version 9.


Appreciate any help,


Best regards,





  • It's already in our Process Mapping Library. You can get it here.

  • Thank you Jerome, you saved my day :)



  • Fed up of looking for it via the link so I ended up working it out myself.


    To save other people looking for it try:


    If((ProcessContext.UserForm==""), Text.Empty, ProcessContext.UserName)  as the role formula.


    I'm told that:


    If((ProcessContext.UserForm==""), "", ProcessContext.UserName.ToString())


    would work as well.

