Just a quick tip from my v9 experiences so far.
You should be careful when creating a name for your parameters while creating Business Objects, as this can catch you unaware when using the intellisense for BO instances later on in your code.
As the parameters and the column names show up in intellisense, it can become easy to forget which are the parameters and which are the column names (if using tables other than Metastorm ones, without the 'e' col name prefix). This may lead to unexpected results in your code execution when you choose the wrong one and leave you scratching your head!
(Take a look at the attached screenshot where I am assigning the map name to a string from a BO in C#)
To avoid this, I prefix the param names with something discrete like a lower case 'p'.
Select * From evw_AuditTrail Where eMapName = @pMapName