Product: Metastorm BPM®
Release: 9.0 SR2
Affected Components: Metastorm Process Designer, Metastorm Deployment Service, Metastorm Web Client, Metastorm Admin Tools, Metastorm Process Engine, Enterprise Component Library (ECL.WS)
Purpose of the hotfix:
This hotfix addresses the following issues:
- In some circumstances, a “folder lock expected” error is displayed in the Web Client. (Metastorm \# SR-09012010-0008, DEF13966)
- In some circumstances, timed actions fail to process, particularly in a load balanced environment and with multiple threads allocated to the Engine. (Metastorm \# SR-08242010-0001, DEF14018)
- Visual Scripts may fail to execute when system is under high load. (Metastorm \# SR-08242010-0001, DEF14039)
- V7 Blank and Admin forms fail to open in a side-by-side environment. (Metastorm \# DEF13978)
- Process zooming and scrolling causes process objects to move from their original positions and causes swim lanes to resize. (Metastorm \# DEF13979)
- Library references are lost on closing and re-opening the Designer. (Metastorm \# DEF14026)
- When running against SQL Server, the Process Activator generates some web services that do not function. (Metastorm \# DEF14027).
- OnBlur functionality of DateTime columns in grids causes an “Unspecified error”. (Metastorm \# DEF14045)
- Drop-down lists are not rendered correctly in the Web Client when more than 60 fields are present on the form. (Metastorm \# SR-09032010-0001, DEF14048)
- ‘Calculate duration’ function always returns a positive result. (Metastorm \# SR-08052010-0005, DEF13988)
- Database locks occur on eAlert and eWait tables on SQL Server databases. (Metastorm \# SR-08232010-0001, DEF13977)
- files are backed up but not replaced on some systems. (Metastorm \# DEF14031)
- Attempting to view connections in the Admin Tools displays a “Bad data” error. (Metastorm \# DEF14107)
- Date control is set to wrong date when using ProcessContext.UserInput from a date/time column in a grid. (Metastorm \# DEF14080)
- Switching on operation logging for the Engine causes forms and folders to fail to open (Metastorm \# DEF13976)
- Metastorm User Error messages are not displayed correctly and cause an exception on IIS7 systems. (Metastorm \# DEF13983)