Deploymnet Errors - How to Locate

I have been working on a workflow process, and after a few hours of work I have attempted to deploy the process to test and the deployment is failing with 27 errors with most of the errors being "; expected" and "Invalid expression term '=' ".  In the messages pane, the Component, Identifier, and other columns are all empty and right-clicking the error and selecting Go To does nothing.


I am guessing the "; expected" error is in a server-side or code component on a visual script but I cant identify which one, is there any way to work out where abouts Designer is failing?  Surely if designer is encountering the issue it must know where the error is but isnt telling me.


Running validate doesnt display these errors.



  • Have you tried using the "Script Validate" button (within the Scripting ribbon bar) to validate any/all server scripts?

  • Yes I did that and all four of them passed validation, the project has the tick (no errors found) in the bottom toolbar.


    It would have to be in one of the forms, I created or modified about 7 of them and some of the forms have several visual scripts so it is a long process to find the issue.


    It would be great if designer could give a better indication of where the issue is instead of leaving it so general like this.






  • I was able to identify the problem, sorting the messages pane by time (I usually group by severity) I found the form checked just before the errors.  There were about 5 visual scripts on the form and I couldnt see any problems with the visual code (no yellow warning signs) or the code (all validated with no errors).  As a last resort, I deleted all the behaviours on the form and was able to deploy with no problems.


    So I cant tell you what the problem was, or how to resolve it, but after several hours tracking down the problem it seemed the best solution was to spend the next hour re-creating everything.


    Am a little annoyed that the output messages couldnt provide more details on where the issue was, but at least I am back working again.





  • We have found a few error s caused by copy and pasting activities, but we've never had one that could not be determined. It is really all part of the whole C# experience....

  • A year on in and getting exactly the same problems working on Metastorm 9.1 so although not particularly helpful thought I'd post its still an issue.


    Had a solution with three forms in it which had all been copied, or had form controls within them that have been copied and pasted, but all had controls that had action events attached to them. This was working and deploying fine an hour previous but then came with the same error after copying another control. Deleting all event behaviour within all the forms didnt resolve either. Eventually, deleting the most recently copied form allowed the deployment.


    On a part related note also, have also noticed that if you even cut and paste certain controls within its own form (say a grid or a textfield or a panel containing multiple of the above to try to amend teh layout) this sometimes results in the controls losing their binding to the business object variables. Although not as nasty an error as above it can prove timely pending on the size of your form.


    Conclusion, avoid cutting, copying and pasting as much as you can - and try to get your form design correct asap. Also maybe do not copy forms within the same project.


  • Some similar problem i found with import form from package.