Support Case ID |
Issue Summary |
SR-09022010-0014 |
Objects are locked after checking in; checked out objects are not listed as checked out. |
SR-09022009-0015 |
Viewer – Nested models do not display correctly. |
SR-09012009-0005 |
Model warehouse does not refresh content. |
SR-08122010-0001 |
Custom properties do not display in the Warehouse Extract table. |
SR-08102010-0007 |
Attempting to check in a notebook with a missing start object in a containment link yields a “NullPointerException” message. |
SR-08022010-0013 |
Drilling down to a child level does not allow creating access rights for a model. |
SR-07232009-0003 |
Resource Utilization Grid values and column order do not match ProVision values and column order. |
SR-07152009-0012 |
Custom gallery objects in a model are not maintained after a check-in or checkout operation. |
SR-07142010-0018 |
Installation does not set correct log file location in |
SR-06172010-0011 |
Allow multiple selections criteria (change/create/delete and notebooks) for History queries. |
SR-06102010-0015 |
Slow performance checking in a notebook with 100,000 objects. |
SR-06042009-0012 |
Knowledge Exchange does not automatically copy the KEServer.xml settings file to the Tomcat localhost folder during installation. |
SR-05252010-0011 |
Release 6.1 converted databases: Versions are not created automatically during check-ins with changes or with checkouts. |
SR-05202010-0009 |
Configure the to create a new log file each time a server is rebooted. |
SR-04232010-0012 |
An SQL exception error occurs on check-in with 64-bit servers utilizing a 64-bit SQL server instance. |
SR-04192010-0012 |
Warehouse Extract needs CRUD links emitted. |
SR-03252009-0008 |
Clicking a workflow link in a Navigator model yields error message: “JScript error ‘undefined’ is null or not object, line: 880 column 4.” |
SR-03092010-0012 |
In .PNG mode, a new model is displayed using the zoom factor of the previous model. |
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“Edit Scheduled Task Details” dialog box does not display a message to update the Notebook field when a previously selected notebook has been deleted. |
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A user with Administrative rights cannot log in to Warehouse Extract and receives error: “E0031: Insufficient permission: \{0\}.” |
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A user with Administrator rights is not permitted to clear the “Do not allow modifications” check box and receives error message: “You have attempted to perform an operation that requires certain access rights currently not assigned to you. Please contact your Knowledge Exchange Server administrator.” |
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Adding a new value, editing an existing value, or deleting an array element yields an error message and does not save. |
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Adding artifacts to associations of an object are not saved and yields an error on the Internet Explorer page or displays a popup with runtime error at the ProVision internal browser. |
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Admin page – Custom data type deletion does not change the custom property type to “Undefined.” |
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Analysis Grids – The scroll bar does not cover the entire frame. |
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Artifact name changes on the Association dialog box of an activity are listed incorrectly after it is added to the checked out notebook and then checked in to Knowledge Exchange. |
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Associations tab – The vertical scroll bar does not display to allow viewing all associations. |
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Attempting to check in a checked out notebook yields an error message. |
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Bridge is jumping to another model instead of jumping from one spot to another in the same model. |
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Change the default font for UNIX installations to Arial to prevent text from showing as a box shape. |
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Check-in – A user can create and check in objects locked by another user without receiving a warning message during check-in of those objects. |
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Checking out a full or partial notebook creates “no context” objects and yields error message: “An error occurred while writing the results. (exception java.lang.NullPointerException).” |
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Checkout – The position and size of context objects are not maintained after checkout. |
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Clicking an artifact does not open the artifact. |
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Contextual and non-contextual workflow lanes are not displaying. |
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Contextual objects that have been reduced in size and placed to the far left of a workflow lane beneath the lane text are shifting to different locations in their respective workflow lanes and are being resized. |
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Conversion from 6.1.1 does not set correct foreign keys for the Locks/LockMembers/CheckoutMementos tables. |
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Details tab – Clicking the Save button on any model yields a JScript error message and does not save the changes. |
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Entity State Grids display incorrect values in Knowledge Exchange when compared with ProVision values. |
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Improve Webvision load times by loading WebvisonStyles.css only on new page loads. |
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Installation does not uninstall the previous version, causing an unknown error to occur, and aborting the installation. |
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KE Client inventory views do not handle Filter Access Rules properly. |
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Link Inventory – Links that begin or end with a dimensioned object do not show the dimension. |
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Models (locked by ProVision) are unlocked and editable when the Cancel or Save button is clicked. |
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Navigator models display numbering on objects and model subjects that do not exist on the ProVision client. |
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Newly added object Regions are not maintained in BIM models. |
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Notebook Details tab – Clicking the Update button after selecting the “Do not allow modifications” check box does not save the change and yields error message: “java.lang.NullPointerException.” |
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Object detail, Association tab displays two identical folders with the same content rather than one folder per association type. |
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Oracle user schema assigned any table privilege fails Knowledge Exchange initialization with Ora-942 error. |
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Preferences – Incorrect information is displaying in .PNG format. |
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Preferences tab – When clearing the Project View, Nested View, Object View, Analysis and Frame View options and opening the Inventory bar, some views remain, and a JScript error is displayed if the list is expanded. |
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Resizing the Internet Explorer page and switching between the Modeling Language tab and the Access Rules tab does not display each tab one at a time. |
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Scheduler – A warning message does not display to alert users that the start date and time are mandatory fields when scheduling a task. |
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Scheduler Cache clean up, Synchronization Impact Analysis, and Warehouse Extract content are missing from the Knowledge Exchange Admin and Client user guides. |
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Scheduler tab – Creating Warehouse Extract tasks are allowed with a null notebook and no warning message to alert users. |
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Subtype model does not have all the links connected as it does in the checked in ProVision image. |
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The Configuration Editor using the “Oracle Thin with Service Name” option does not set the URL properly. |
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The configurator.bat file is writing registry values to the wrong key. After restarting Windows, Knowledge Exchange yields error message: “No administrative repository specified error.” |
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The cursor position of the Detail tab is maintained across the other tabs. |
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The Edit button does not allow editing when it is clicked the first time; the Cancel button must be clicked and then the Edit button clicked again to allow field modifications. |
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The Edit button is not disabled, allowing data change in locked models. |
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The Operator value does not display in bold within a Frame object as it does in ProVision. |
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The results on the Cost Grids in Knowledge Exchange and ProVision do not match. |
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Unable to clear attributes that do not apply to the subject of a Business Class model. |
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Updated artifacts for object associations change the Webvision display of the artifacts for that object. |
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Updates and additions are not saved on the Model details tab. |
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Upgrading from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 does not open the Configuration Editor and yields error message: “Error occurred while initializing configurator.” |
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Viewer – Artifact detail dialog Association tab is missing attachment links. |
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Viewer – BPMN modeling language “Exclusive and Inclusive Gateway” object images are not changed when the control type is changed. |
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Viewer – Dimensions on deliverables do not display. |
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Viewer – Role and Rule custom link associations are not maintained. |
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Viewer – Sink names are shown as <<unnamed ID = 1370426>> rather than blank names. |
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Viewer – The Arrow style is incorrect in the Operation model. |
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Viewer – The custom link of a Risk (Control ownership) link does not display on the Rule detail dialog box. |
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When viewing history through administration, the archived history is not included even though the “include archived events” check box is selected. |
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When WebLogic 10.0 with Metro 2.0 Web services is deployed to Knowledge Exchange, a deployment exception warning occurs. |