Support Case ID |
Issue Description |
SR-12152009-0010 |
Customization style changes are not retained on objects. |
SR-12022008-0022 |
Translator – If the same custom property name is entered as a column for Activity and Activity Usage, duplicate custom property values for that custom property will result from the Translator import. |
SR-12012009-0010 |
Property Layout – If dragging properties from an Activity on a workflow using CTRL + A to select all of the objects in the Workflow model, and if the objects are moved, the properties do not travel with everything else and must be repositioned manually. |
SR-11262008-0019 |
Spell Check – Corrections delete the last characters in a description. |
SR-11192009-0011 |
HTML Publish – Moving the pointer over the names of published HTML does not include spaces. |
SR-10122009-0009 |
Workflow model – Some Decision Points cannot be excluded in a model. |
SR-09212009-0006 |
When selecting an Ancestor model, ProVision does not recognize the proper context and displays the Context Wizard. |
SR-09142009-0005 |
Simulation Monte Carlo-– The lowest occurrence is not matching as the lowest after passing through the Junction into the Activity. |
SR-09092009-0011 |
Teamwork Repository – Checking data back in yields error message, “An invalid argument was encountered” or requires continuously trying to log in but failing to finish the check-in. |
SR-09012009-0011 |
After running spell check and making changes, objects are not renamed. |
SR-08252010-0020 |
When the Properties icon is clicked, the Activity Usage’s name text color changes from white to black. |
SR-08252008-0003 |
The Property Layout box and the link (to object) remain without having a layout selected. |
SR-08242010-0009 |
Refreshing the Object Inventory takes an unacceptable amount of time when deleting objects. |
SR-08212009-0005 |
Translator – Multi-line descriptions are not imported correctly when the ENTER key is pressed after each number. |
SR-08212009-0001 |
Translator Import / Export – The export value should only be set to 1 for the current value for the selected and not the non-selected status. |
SR-08192009-0011 |
Publishing the interpretation of an Application Interaction model does not include “It interacts with” when using the object templates. |
SR-08192008-0018 |
There is no column in MS Excel Import to define the length of an attribute. |
SR-08162010-0021 |
The Quick Start Analyzer Plus section contains a typographical error: change “trails” to “trials.” |
SR-08162010-0007 |
Translator Import cannot display a number over 1.5 billion. |
SR-08132010-0007 |
Help is missing a link type “Dependency” description in the Business Class modeler. |
SR-08112010-0013 |
Dimensions in Workflow models multiply when opening the workflow link attached to the object. |
SR-08092010-0008 |
Attempting to convert a v6.1.4 MDB file causes ProVision to close unexpectedly. |
SR-08092010-0007 |
Reused objects do not allow style changes, moving to front, moving to back, etc. in models. |
SR-08042009-0009 |
Publish to MS Word – Creating an organization model with a Person object containing email and phone information, and then publishing, results in the Person not displaying email or phone information in the interpretation. |
SR-07272010-0007 |
Glossary states incorrect objects to add to Organization modeler. |
SR-07152010-0012 |
Remove “Lifecycle” field from online documentation since a State object no longer has a Lifecycle option. |
SR-07152010-0005 |
The Analyzer plus exercise in the Quick Start section contains a misstatement: Change “timing data” to “cost data.” |
SR-07152010-0005 |
Quick Start exercise, Step 1, item 4 states incorrectly that “the name of the ProVision file is displayed in the 'you are here' area” without stating that the file must first be saved and then reopened for this area to be updated with the file name. |
SR-07092010-0001 |
Invalid items are added to the Object Inventory after reusing all objects completely with descendants. |
SR-07082010-0022; SR-08172010-0002 |
The Auto Resize button does not expand the object to see all text. |
SR-07082010-0005 |
Transition link style end symbols are not all available or do not display correctly. |
SR-07082010-0003 |
Dragging and dropping a notebook from Knowledge Exchange to a local repository causes ProVision to close unexpectedly. |
SR-07062010-0001; SR-07302010-0011 |
Cannot change the style to have the name display within a Store object; cannot place a description of a Store within the object. |
SR-06252010-0010 |
Modifications to an event or deliverable on a contextual workflow cannot be cancelled. |
SR-06222010-0009 |
Check-out Wizard – When selecting objects and clicking the “Read-Only” button, all read-only selected objects are deselected. |
SR-06212010-0024 |
Activity to System association (Implementation) is not available unless a modeler that includes the Implementation link as a member link is activated. |
SR-06212010-0023 |
Clicking the Property Grids folder and then clicking the Links folder displays the Status link twice rather than once in the Property Grids links folder in Table Inventory. |
SR-06182010-0003 |
Deployment Model Interpreter – The deployment link between the equipment and component does not show up in the interpretation. |
SR-06172009-0008 |
Glyphs in the Model Inventory for Workflow models sometimes display Activity glyphs or Workflow link glyphs rather than showing the Model glyph properly. |
SR-06152010-0002 |
MS Excel export for grids does not transfer multi-line descriptions correctly. |
SR-06142010-0010 |
Workflow Model – Selecting multiple objects and then clicking in a lane does not unselect. |
SR-06022009-0008 |
Clicking the Help button on the Standard (Status tab) dialog box does not open a help topic. |
SR-05262010-0001 |
Deleting a Workflow model closes all other open models. |
SR-05072010-0006 |
Check-out Wizard does not select models/objects when the “Read-Only” button is selected. |
SR-05042010-0008 |
Publishing – Objects in layered Organization models are not included in the glossary. |
SR-04282010-0013 |
Custom Reporting – The cif.xsd file does not pass parentheses '(' and ')' from the plural of custom objects and leaves blank reports. |
SR-04282010-0008 |
Crystal Reports – When some objects are hidden, data in the member table returns false when it should be a mixture of true and false. |
SR-04232010-0016 |
A deliverable that is on a link between a context activity and another activity in a Workflow model is only listed as being used in the parent model and not the child. |
SR-04202010-0012; SR-07262010-0021 |
Publish – When selecting only models to be published, no interpretations, the html page is called, but the file is not generated because interpretations were not included; a blank error page is displayed. |
SR-04132010-0013 |
Publishing to MS Word yields errors when publishing with MS Word 2003. |
SR-03302010-0022; SR-05272010-0006 |
Property Grids – Grid filters are sorted out of order. |
SR-03252010-0012 SR-04062010-0001 |
The Utilizations link - Property grid is displaying values incorrectly; the Translator does not populate data in the Involvement column. |
SR-03132009-0030 |
When closing and reopening a model, Flow line links do not save and return to their original positions before the changes were made. |
SR-03042010-0006 |
Grids – In a large table/grid, ProVision becomes unresponsive (table/grid elements vanish) and hangs when scrolling. |
SR-01132010-0003 |
Translator – Exporting to MS Excel 2003 or 2007 and using carriage returns results in empty box characters preceding the carriage returns. |
SR-01122010-0007 |
The Customization Framework Panel does not allow for more than 12 subcategories to be displayed in Explorer. |
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“Export to File” and “Import from File” options are not available at the repository level. |
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A custom calendar cannot be deleted. |
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A topic object’s style dialog does not retain the customization changes and causes the object to revert to the default settings when clicking OK. |
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A workflow link is incorrectly included in a child workflow model. |
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Association Link dialog box is too large for the screen, which does not allow clicking the OK button after changes are made to close the dialog box. |
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Attempting installation without enough disk space incorrectly allows the selection of features to install. |
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Attempting to obtain a license from a floating license server through Microsoft VPN causes ProVision to freeze. |
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Attempting to revert a custom object type causes ProVision to close unexpectedly. |
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CIF import reports methodology violations on characteristic links for a businessClass's attributes: “Error: Create Failure type:characteristic name: Methodology Violation.” |
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Compiled html obtains an incorrect index and contents tabs of Unicode names. |
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Custom Reporting cannot request custom type data. |
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Customization Control Panel – ProVision closes unexpectedly after pressing the ENTER key. |
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Customization Control Panel, Model Types lists some custom objects and/or custom links in the Context Object, Member Objects, and Member Links fields. |
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DES – Graphics of Probability Distributions display only parts of graphs, and numbers are too small to read. |
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DES – The ProVision Scheduler causes simulation inaccuracy. |
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Exporting a notebook via CIF causes ProVision to close unexpectedly. |
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Generalization links created in Business Class models are not carried over and cannot be added when including the same objects in subtype models. |
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Incorrect glyphs display on the Interface menu for CIF, UML, and CADM. |
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Model Inventory lists are missing models, will not expand, etc. after a notebook has been checked out from Knowledge Exchange. |
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Modeling Language – The notation and cardinality of an Aggregation link are not separated. |
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Non-viewable object properties are visible in the model interpretation. |
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Notebooks with shared objects lose Reused Source information when checked in and then checked out. |
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Object Inventory – Folders listed under objects (Component models, Where Used) are not refreshed or populated after adding an object to a model. |
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Object Stereotype field incorrectly accepts a manual input value when it should only allow the selection of a preset value from the drop-down list. |
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Opening a file generated by Translator in MS Excel 2007 yields error message, “The file you are trying to open, ‘Filename.xls’ is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file.” |
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Project Inventory – Moving a child folder to a different parent does not move the child folder to the new parent. |
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ProVision exports in ERwin v7 format do not import into ERwin v7.3. |
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ProVision retains in memory any model type customizations when switching modeling languages, changing repositories, or PVWs. |
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Publish – After publishing models and then changing the modeling language, the Publish tab still displays models published with the original modeling language; clicking “Exclude all” does not exclude the models. |
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Publish causes ProVision to close unexpectedly during the Communication modeler Interpretation phase. |
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Publish into HTML – The Contents and Index in the published file does not display all of the special characters; html tags are recognized as html code. |
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Publish to HTML – A \*.chm file does not support Unicode characters, and the interpretation of any modeler contains an incorrect rendering of Unicode part symbols. |
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Publish to HTML – The Content tab does not display names and descriptions correctly when they contain the “is less than” (<) symbol. |
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Remove XMI, BPEL, XPDL, ProVision Metamodel Reference Guide, Publishing with ProVision, and Getting Started with ProVision documents from installation because they now reside in ProVision online help. |
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Synchronize after a notebook abbreviation has been updated on the Knowledge Exchange source notebook does not display the Impact Analysis details, indicating that the notebook abbreviation has been updated or changed; rather, the tree view shows that the Custom Property Configuration has been updated. |
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Teamwork – Repositioning of contextual bridges is not retained after check-in. |
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The CIFRequest and CIFRequestFile COM interfaces return NOERROR when the PVW server is busy. |
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Translator export and import create a loop-type Workflow model (parent object resides in child model) when using Guided Tour. |
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Uninstall leaves a file called pvNewLic.DLL in the Program folder. |
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When an interpretation is published in combination with a chart, grid, or model, the Publisher does not allow navigation to the interpretation within the HTML document. |
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When publishing a model, Instead of returning to the Explorer home page as the active window, the model is opened as the active window in edit mode. |
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When the HostID exceeds 100 characters, ProVision closes unexpectedly. |
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When using the Translator to export to a MS Word document Tabular or Form, the program compiles for several minutes, and then gives a server busy error that can only be closed through the Task Manager and closing WINWORD.exe manually. |
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Where Used pop-up list is missing in all grids (Association, Navigator, and Property). |
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Wording on the license configuration dialog’s label and button should display “borrow” rather than “checkout” to match the software licensing company’s terminology. |