I am trying to use eRaiseFlag from an external application, I can get the Flag to raise onto the correct server, Map, Flag etc. My only problem is that I want to attach more than one piece of data, only the first piece of data is getting through to the table. I suspect that it is the tab that is causing the problem.
Here below is my Command - it is technically in VBs - as you can see I am using vbTab for the tab, as I cannot find anything else to try. I have already declared the FlagName, Servr etc.
m_WshShell.exec("C:\Program Files\Metastorm\SDK\Common\eRaiseFlag /FlagName"&Flagr&" /FlagData:" &CustomerNumber&vbTab&CustName&" /ServerName"&Servr&" ")
I must be close to getting it right - as no errors found on the server.
Any suggestions ?