Is it possible to access business objects from server side scripts or from code blocks within the visual scripting area?
I'd like to assign a number of form fields based upon the data that select statement retrieves and I'd like to find the nost efficient way of doing it...
In the V7 days we could do something similar to %sqlData:=%SelectSQL("SELECT FirstName FROM UserTable")
and then follow this up with
%fieldName1 := %sqlData[0]
%fieldName1 := %sqlData[1]
%fieldName1 := %sqlData[2]
Now that we're in the days of temp variables I'd like to write this assignment using a loop(if possible) and do something similar to:
int i = 0;
List data = SelectSql(null,"SELECT FirstName FROM UserTable").List;
foreach (object in data)
{ BusinessObject.LocalFormVariables["FieldName" + i] = object.ToString()
Is this possible?