Has anyone else experimented much with the new Custom Lists in v9? If so, what are your impressions?
I've been trying to create a couple to accompany the process I am currently developing. However, I feel like my users and I have been finding so many downfalls to the feature that I am not sure if I want to continue recommending it as an option.
For example:
- I don't see any way to control default column widths in the "Columns" property list, so every column comes out being the same width regardless of content.
- I can't implement a customized sort order via the business object, such as trying to order the folders by their stage priority order then folder number. If I do put the Order By statement at the end of the SQL query, any use of column filters on the users' side will cause the entire custom list to error out.
- The column filters can be difficult for a user to work with. Their usual habit seems to be to go into the filter field, type something, then hit expecting the filter to apply at least something (like "contains") by default. However, the reality is that the user has to enter something in the field, and then use the filter icon to tell it how to implement that text search. Removing an applied filter doesn't seem very intuitive to the users, either, to go under the filter icon and find "No Filter" somewhere down in the middle of the option list.