I have one big metastorm’s problem. In all actions that are marked as "open folder" when saving a form (green button), the application crashes. The page is closed and not reopen the first folder. What will happen?
Error Logs?
What sort of 'crash'?
What is supposed to happen when you submit?
etc, etc, etc
Metastorm BPM Designer 7.6.2 (build 1112) Metastorm BPM Common 7.6.2 (build 1109) Metastorm BPM Utilities 7.0.0 (build 204) Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) 2.82.3959.0 Microsoft® SQL Server ODBC Driver 2000.86.3959.0 Microsoft® ODBC 3.526.3959.0 Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 or XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2 (build 3790)
Error Logs: I haven't log file
Crash: doesn't reopen folder when it have to do
Was anything logged in the Metastorm Services Manager logs?
Was anything logged in the Windows logs on the BPM engine or web servers?
I'd think something would have been logged in one of those places.
It all works OK for us. You need to tell us what errors are recorded.