Component Attachment clip


There is some component of the Metastorm I can map the document with a specific directory on the server.

Example: I need to do that Attachment clip is tied with a document in a specific directory that was done uploading. Is there any way I also make the upload in a given directory?

Thank you.



  • MBPM attachment clips utilize the Metastorm database as it's repository, not a file structure.  It would only be possible to use the clip control with a custom DMS provider that works with a certain directory structure, but such a DMS provider is not provided out-of-the-box.

  • Hi Freitas,


    are you still looking for a File System DMS Clip implementation?


    Best regards



    DMS Provider Solutions

  • Freitas,


    As far as I know, you can upload the attachment to specific directory, but you can retrieve the attachment from the directory.