Failed to create e-work Event Manager object



When i try to trigger new folder using eraiseflag.exe

but somehow I got this error, "Failed to create e-work Event Manager object. Reason:Class not registered"

I've added Administrator into Flagraiser role and AllowGuestUserToRaiseFlag = 1

I am on v9.0.2

Any advise? Thanks in advance.





  • Hi,


    I just tested this myself in BPM v9.0.2.4 on Windows 2008 (32bit and 64 bit versions) and it appears to function fine.


    The error seems to imply something is not registered/installed correctly,  Are you using the eRaiseFlag.exe on the Metastorm BPM server itself?


    What is you eRaiseFlag command line?


    I was just using something simple like:


    eRaiseFlag /FlagName:TestFlag



  • yeap, from the server itself


    and my command line exactly like yours


    perhaps I will need to uninstall and reinstall v9

  • I tried on server 2008 and I face the same error.

    BUT somehow  the event viewer and elog showing the root cause, MSDTC

    it mentioned on DTC was disabled, so I went on to enable DTC and checked allow inbound and outbound, and I am able to raise flag using eraiseflag.exe


    Unfortunately still no luck on my local machine, even after I enabled the DTC.

    the event viewer shows no sign of the similar error,therefore I have no clue on what else is stopping the raiseflag.