without losing data in a production app?
Alter the production database manually setting the field to the new size (larger than the previous size)
Open your XEP file and delete the variable in question
Recreate the variable with the new file size
republish the procedure
Changing the size in the db will help you to avoid the application reminding you that a different size was previously set.
No data is loss with this method
Ok, thanks. I knew about this method, but I wasn't completely sure about the data loss when deleting the variable. Of course now that I think about it, since you never publish between deleting and recreating the variable of course the data should be safe.
We have found in all versions we have tried that in doing this all the associations with that variable (in fields) is lost.
The field then turns to 'read-only' by default.
Setting it back to the variable and setting the behaviour rto optional (or required), does not then set the behaviour in all actions to that, as the action behaviour has been pretty much broken in one way or another for all 7.x versions. You then have to set the behaviour manually for all actions using that form.
The alternative people have found is to edit the XML directly and then alter the database manually (as you have to do anyway).