Report Memo Control Not Displaying Text Correctly

I am using reporting functionality in v9 SR3.

I have several reports that contain a memo control that should be populated with text entered into a memo field by a user in one of the forms. This text is expected to be multiple paragraphs. The text is displayed correctly in the form and stored correctly in sql server, however when it is displayed on the report, all the the line breaks have been stripped out and it displays as one long line. I also tried formatting the text in the stored procedure that populates my business object to add in a carriage return and a line break, but that didn't work either.

Has anyone come across this before or have any suggestions on a work around so that this text will display correctly?



  • Grid displays work the same way ... it won't wrap and CR/LF are stripped out.

    There is another post here which indicates it should be fixed for grids in 9.1.  I'd hope that it would be addressed in reports at the same time (perhaps as part of the same control).

  • I was trying something similar albeit with emails. ie: I wanted the text of a memo field to be the message body of the email. Like your situation, the line breaks were stripped out in the email.

    For my situation, because the email was formatted as HTML, I could add a "
    " in the memo field and that would work correctly in the email.

    Don't know if that would work for you too though.

  • You can do this by using the grid control and setting the cel properties to multi-line. Details and example here: