'No Parameterless Constructor' error in V9
I am working in a V9.0.3 environment.
I'm getting the following error when executing a visual script: 'No parameterless constructor defined for this object'.
The visual script consists of a 'for each loop' linked to a business object with a parameter.
Within the loop is a 'code activity' segment followed by an 'if else' segment. Both paths through the 'if else' segment have further 'code activity' segments.
If I move the two 'code activity' segments from the 'if else' segment into the first 'code activity' segment and manage them in code also removing the 'if else' segment', the error does not arise.
My question is; am I doing something wrong or should the original visual script work?
Incidentally, the reason for using the visual script is purely for clarity. All of the code segments are quite complex and I'm not going to be the person maintaining the process.
I have not tried HF 1 as we have no need and I am not keen on knee-jerk upgrading without reason. I saw nothing in the release notes that implied it would be, but may have missed it. There is an example at the link I posted you can try if you have HF 1 installed.
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Back then? Not a chance.
Since then we have not needed this for any development so have probably not reported it. Now that our chain of support has been, let's say, made simpler, we could have reported it, but not that I know of yet.
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Just to let you guys know we are aware of this issue and it is listed as defect.
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Has this issue since been resolved in any of the latest HF's?
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I'm getting this "No parameterless constructor defined for type of 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, ...." error when clicking on grid column headers so the sort order can be updated.
This happens to be an editable grid, but is only happening in ready/tab mode thus far. (In edit mode this error is not occurring at the moment.) Client paging was turned on, I turned it off -- same result. I has 161 rows in what was returned, so tried a smaller number of rows (10) -- same result.
I can't show my users things on a system that generates these kinds of messages for normal functionality.
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For the orginal issue, the defect still exists and has not yet been resolved.
We are currently targeting v9.1.1 (that is the first Service Release for v9.1) for a potential fix.
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pdenton wrote:
We are currently targeting v9.1.1 (that is the first Service Release for v9.1) for a potential fix.
I love it: We are now getting plans for releases which update releases that have not yet been released!
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I'm told that this was fixed in 9.1.3 as a result of moving to moving to .NET4. Check out
SR-11052010-0014 in the release notes.
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9.2 and this error is back ??
I'm getting this error when sorting on a grid tied to scripted business object :smileyfrustrated:
Incidentally there's another instance of the same BO on the same form (only difference being parameters passed) and that grid doesnt give this error on sorting....what is going on ?
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Turns out if you define a scripted BO as an editable one, and then put an instance of it tied to a read only grid - thats when this error shows up.
When I changed the grid to "optional" from read only the error disappeared.
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We have been seing this for a while, but only in one environment, ie from one server. Luckily it is UAT, and not Production.
We've seen this through 9.1 and
BMellert wrote:
I'm getting this "No parameterless constructor defined for type of 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, ...." error when clicking on grid column headers so the sort order can be updated.
This happens to be an editable grid, but is only happening in ready/tab mode thus far. (In edit mode this error is not occurring at the moment.) Client paging was turned on, I turned it off -- same result. I has 161 rows in what was returned, so tried a smaller number of rows (10) -- same result.
I can't show my users things on a system that generates these kinds of messages for normal functionality.
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