The form OnSubmit function is documented for SR1 (pg 206), but it is missing (and I can't get it to work) in SR3
31.8 OnSubmit and OnCancel Functions
You can specify a script function to be called when a form's OnSubmit or OnCancel event handler is used.
To do this:
1. In the Designer, use the Scripts dialog to create a script function.
2. Select the form to which you want to assign the script function.
3. From the form's Client Extensions field, start the Integration Wizard.
4. From the Form extensions category, select the Run a submit script or Run a cancel script item and
click the Next button.
5. Complete the required information for the OnSubmit or OnCancel function.
An OnSubmit function must return a Boolean value. If the script returns:
• False, the submit action fails.
• True, the submit action succeeds.
This enables a process designer to submit only forms that validate.