Has anyone reported or noticed that the engine makes a select query on the eWait table which is suppose to use locking hints NOLOCK but because there is a mistake in the syntax the NOLOCK has not been enclosed in brackets or WITH (NOLOCK) it in fact just acts as a table alias name. This Query does a full table lock on the ewait and sometimes causes block processes to apprear in our enviroment where we have 3 engines each having a thread count set to 3 all pointing to the same metastorm database. I did notice this some time ago but we have only recently upgraded to 7.6 to and had thought this might be fixed as part of the eWait speed improvements mentioned in the 7.6.3 realease notes. The query in question is
declare @p1 int set @p1=1 exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 datetime,@P2 nvarchar(255),@P3 int',N'SELECT eSequenceNo,eFolderID,eActionName,eWaitTime,ePriority FROM eWait NOLOCK
WHERE eWaitTime <= @P1 AND eWaitTime > {ts ''1753-01-01 00:01:00''} AND ( (eEngineName=N'' '' AND eThreadNo=0) OR (eEngineName=@P2 AND eThreadNo=@P3) ) ORDER BY eFolderID,eWaitTime,ePriority','Mar 14 2011 10:46:46:000AM',N'MYENGINE$MYENGINE',1
It would be very nice if this could be fixed soon as it does cause a performance issue