I was curious as to if anyone knew how dangerous performance wise it would be for me to have every RFQ, upon being updated, trigger a timed event 1 minute later that showed the To-Do list.
Currently I have 1 minute after %Updated change the Alert Message to be : %SelectSQL("SELECT DistinguishedName FROM mytable INNER JOIN eAlert ON mytable.UserName=eAlert.eUserName WHERE eFolderID='%FolderID' AND eAlertType=' '")
I would like for my ToDo list to be shown in the message field as often as possible, but I have other events that trigger changing that message field which I need to keep an acurate Audit/History log. I'm open to suggestions
Alternatively I would be interested to know how I can go about making it so that the %updated time doesn't change when I run a timed event.