when I publish Models I got some issues. One if a model has two component models the links just dont work, I cant choose which one I like to open, none are offered. If I have only one component model. I can click on the object, this one link from the model is offered and I can click on it and it works. Just not if two. Why? Did I do something wrong?
Second issues. When I have the Bridgs or LInks bewteen workflows that I can jump... it works in Pro VIsion . When I use the Bridge to the next model. The new model opens and the bridge link is highlighted, so I can see where exactly I jump into. BUt when I publish everything. The bridge links are not highlightes anymore. I just jump into the next model but I cant see where. IS that Standard? Or bug? What can I do?
Third issue: I have some descriptions behind the objects and I can read them in Pro Vision. But after publishing I just can see the object. I cant do a double click on the object to see the description. Is that Standard too?
Fourth issue: After publishing the start and end events are not in the index , there are just empty white place holders. ONly the topc start event isshown.
CAn someone help me. thx