I do not think I have reported this before, but the eRaisedFlag functionality is flawed.
If I have a flag that is raised for 10 Folders, and ONE Folder fails to respond, the entry to raise the Flag again is entered in tho the eRaisedFlag table. When it is triggered again, it is triggered in exactly the same way is it originally was, and this all 10 Folders will respond.
Not a major dram perhaps, but if you have 1,000 Folders waiting on this flag, the chances of ONE failing are great, and then the engine runs the same flag over and over again for EVERY Folder. Each time, at least one will be prevented, and so it goes on.
We wondered what the performance hit on the system was, and it was very hard to figure out why this flag was being raised over and over, until we found the offending entry in the eRaisedFlag tables.
The solution would be to add a Folder Id in the eRasiedFlag table, and enter the Folder Id of the Folder that failed to respond. When retried, only raise the flag for that Folder.