Documentation Whereabouts BPM 7.6

Does anyone know if there is a document out there that lists all of the overloads for the methods that are used in MetastormBPM 7.6.


For example I would expect somewhere there is something that might say


%SelectSQL( string Query )


for every method.  Since the developer doesn't support intellisense in 7.6 something like this would be handy to have.



  • The first place to look is the Designer manual. All functions should be listed there.


    The next place would be the Designer help file. I think they are all there too.


    Finally, although intellisense is not ised in version 7, you can press "%" and wait a second or so, and a list of functions and variables apperas. Type a letter, or even two or more (but quickly), and the list will move yo that selection.


    What is not documented, or clear, is that you can see the function parameters (a bit like intellisense) on the status bar of the editor when you type the first "(". It dones not, however, tell you which paramaters are optional, as quite a few are.