Flag Data from a Admin Form
Using version7.5 / 7.6
Trouble raising flags applied to multiple folders at a stage.
I have a common stage with a flagged action leaving it. This common stage is applied to multiple stages.
My intentions are to raise a flag which would in turn move / update all folders sitting at the multiple stages. Without using a update SQL statement on the database, I need the process to move the folders in order to update the ewait table.
This flag is also fired from a admin form with a command button.
Please Help
Hi Dan
I think what I would do assuming that all these folders dont have the same parent and i have understood the question as its not totally clear.
is either
a) Write a server side jscript.net function thats attached to the Admin button click. Which does a select of all the folders which are waiting for the change focus flag. you have to make sure the the ChangeFocus flag property is set to 'This Folder'
var sResult = ework.SelectSQL("Select eFolderid FROM eWait(NOLOCK)where eFlagName ='ChangeFocus'");
arRows = sResult.Split (LineDelimiter, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (var Script in arRows)
b) You set the ChangeFocus flag property is set to 'Any Folder' and in the admin form button click just do one RaiseFlag("ChangeFocus") This basically broadcasts the flag across to all folders and is not targeted to a particalar folderid or parentFolderid. I tend not to use flags with AnyFolder property set as you have to be carefully when you dealing with lots as folders can really slow down the engine espically if you have a guard on your flag.
Also how many folders are you typically wanting to move?
Hope that helps
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Hi Steve,
Apologies your right the question isn't that clear.
The folders in question are currently sitting on an existing process. so no ewait entry is present for the change focus flag.
The change focus flag is an enhancement I have been asked to apply...
Going forward I understand all new records created with the flag present in on the map will have a record in the ewait table. im wondering if I can bulk update existing records without adding a individual entry in the ewait table.
In response to your second question currently I have around 700 folders which will require moving via the flagged action.
Many thanks for your response also
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Do you want to actually move all the folders to another stage?
Perhaps the Auto Forward Folders on a system stage could do the trick?
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Hi Dan
Right I understand what you need now, yes your correct any new folders entering the stage will get the ChangeFocus flag. FOr existing folders the that are already sitting at the various stages that dont have the flag currently what I would do is
Quite often I build my maps I have a refresh flag (property This folder ) on a comman stage which is applied to all stages. this means that I can raise a flag to to any folder or multi folders to refresh themselves and rebuild the ewait and alert list. This is idea for situations like this.
But I have a feeling you dont have this in your map curently so what you can do is
1) Write an SQL insert statement to create the ewait entry based on a select statement which contains all the folderid's that currently dont have the flag
2) The other thing we have built an admin tool, its a c# app that uses ECL (although we actually use the freeflow wrapper for ECL http://www.freeflownet.com/) This admin tool we have built allows to to select folders and execute there actions either on single folders or in bulk. it also have the ability to refesh folders in bulk which would cause a folder to rebuild its ewait list. all this a much more can be done from ECL (freeflow). So it might be worth you looking into creating yourself a admin tool.
I realise that 2) is a bit of work but its very useful tool to have, but if its just a one of I would do option 1)
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Hi Dan
I have done it many times without any problem, just make sure you are carefully filling ouut all the fields . But you should have folders which already have that flag attached so you can use one of them as an example to ensuse you get the data correct.
if you want me to write it then let me know
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Hi Steve,
If you offer still stands im having trouble updating the ewait table (Lack of SQL knowledge)
My aim is to update the ewait via a cammond button on the admin from. if a entry does not exist.
but how to i populate the eSqquenceNo and the correct eFolderID
Ive attached a screen shot of the table.
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Hi Dan
Just checking you got my provate message which has my contact details in so that I can do that SQL for you
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We have an Admin form in our Admin tools that adds the required records for you:
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Sorry, I should have explained. You need to create an admin form group, and then import this file.
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