I am experiencing a strange issue with a process, the process is available to users who are in a role (static, defined in Metastorm Administration). When the users create a new folder using the blank form and submit that form, the folder re-opens, but the action buttons at the bottom are not showing, the viewing buttons/tabs at the top are visible.
After the first action (the starting form of the process), the stage is a user stage with the role (which limits the blank form access) has To Do access, all other forms in the process are limited to the To Do list.
After the initial form has been submitted the folder does not appear in the users To Do list. I have modified the Workflow to make a form (after the start form) have everyone specified in the To Do list, in my testing this form was able to show as an action button.
The workflow was edited last week, however I do not believe that the issue was being experienced last week.
Is there any way of tracking down why the To Do list is not being correctly generated and the users are unable to undertake any actions.