I am new to Metastorm and have an assignment that involves populating a grid with contents from an Excel spreadsheet.
I'm stumped! Can anyone offer a tip of something to get me started off in the right direction?
Thank you!
If you need to add from Excel to an editable grid, it will not be possible as you cannot add a new row and select that row in Client script. You would be much better off putting the data into a table in the Metastorm database directly.
Could you provide more detials of the process itself, what the data consists of, and where it is going?
Also, what version are you using?
The process is to add, update, and delete Metastorm users with information in Excel spreadsheet(s). Specifically, the spreadsheet(s) would contain (1) eUserName, (2) eEmailAddress, (3) eDistinguishedName, and maybe (4) ePassword to update the eUser table.
This would also be applied to (1) eRoleName and (2) eUserName in the eAssignment table.
My team lead and I were thinking the Excel workbook could be attached to a form (or forms if one form is needed for (1) add, (2) update and (3) delete).
I am using version 9.
You could attach the file to a metastorm clip and then transfer it to the server and peform a BULK INSERT into the db, provided you give the metastorm service account access to perform such actions on your db. That or some variation of that would prove the easiest. You could also insert via OPENDATASOURCE in SQL
Once its loaded into your temp table - you can dynamically generate the code needed to handle the Add, Update and Delete pretty easily via server side code on submit.