A navigator model is very useful as you can include models in the navigator that when you click on them, opens that model.
The dafault style of a model in a navigator is a thumbnail image of the model which is dynamic in that it is updated when the model is updated. Which is great if you want a thumbnail. Sometimes you don't. In our case we want it to look like our published level framework, and we have called it a 'click and go model navigation tool'.
So if you just set the style you want manually using the shape, colour settings to replace the custom thumbnail image these will be retained when you close your model.
However if you copy the style from an object which already has the properties you want (like another model that already has the style you want) this will appear OK in the model BUT when you close it and reopen it the models will be back as custom thumbnails.
The work arround is remarkably simple. Simply open the style properties and change the shape from 'custom' to the shape you want - in my case a rectangle and link magic your model looks as you wanted it to before you closed it. Now if you close it and reopn it the style you have set stays.