The information in this article applies to:
Product: Metastorm BPM
Version: 9.x
- What protocols does Metastorm BPM use for communication?
Metastorm BPM's native web client connects to a Metastorm service using Metastorm's internal ECL. This can use either TCP or HTTP and is implemented via .NET remoting, rather than WCF. TCP uses port 4001; for example, tcp://machinename:4001/ECL.
Note that direct programming access against the internal ECL is unsupported for 3rd party clients. They should use the SDK/ECL.WS when communicating with the MBPM engine. This uses standard WCF protocols that allow support for transport/message level security and also allow Metastorm BPM to support Windows Single Sign-On (SSO) and non-SSO environments.