I was wondering if anyone had had any success with adding objects using the REST API?
I've got most of the retrieval methods working (obtaining model images via REST is very useful but it would be nice to be able to request an image size) including retrieving repository and notebook summary information from where I get the notebook and repository GUIDs.
I am doing a HTTP PUT to 'http:///rs/notebooks//objects/put'
I am adding the following header: 'Authentication: KENative username;password' (P.S. Anyone know why they used a completely non-standard HTTP header rather than basic authentication?).
I am setting the content type to 'application/vnd.metastorm.cif+xml;version=1.0;' and the encoding to 'charset=UTF-8'.
I am sending the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
On some notebooks it works when I insert one project, but not when I insert two at the same time. On other notebooks it won't let me even do one. The only error I get is a 'CIFException' in the keserver log with no accompanying detail.
Any ideas?