Is it possible to change the default height of a metastorm grid row? If yes how?
I don't think if there is any possibility to do this. "Funny" thing is that grid row will have different hight on IE and FireFox
Hi Abhilash,
In theory you should be able to change the default row height on grids by modifying the CSS, although this type of modification is not officially supported. I would suggest making a backup of and documenting any changes to the default CSS file.
There is a section midway down commented as /*Telerik RadGrid Default Skin*/
Around line 5903 is the definition for the default height of TD grid row elements:
.RadGrid_Default .rgRow td, .RadGrid_Default .rgAltRow td, .RadGrid_Default .rgEditRow td, .RadGrid_Default .rgFooter td, .RadGrid_Default .rgFilterRow td, .RadGrid_Default .rgHeader, .RadGrid_Default .rgResizeCol, .RadGrid_Default .rgGroupHeader td { height:20px !important; }
You can change the height attribute to whatever you please (30px instead of 20px in the following images). This would affect all grids (only tested in IE9). To dynamically change the row height I would look into javascript's ability to apply CSS. This would also be unsupported.