Metastorm BPM 9.0.3 Hotfix 4 (

Product:                                Metastorm BPM®

Release:                                9.0 SR3


Affected Components:     Metastorm Process Engine, Metastorm Web Client, Metastorm DMS Support


Purpose of the hotfix:


This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • File overwrite confirmation message is not displayed when a document with same name is attached more than once to a DMS Single or Multi Clip control. (Metastorm\# SR-03042011-0012, SR-04012011-0001, DEF14726, DEF14736)
  • If you check-out a document attached to a DMS Single or Multi Clip control, make changes, and check-in the document, the changes that were made to the document are not retained. (Metastorm\# SR-03012011-0010, DEF14751, DEF17196) 
  • When the Web Client is running in a secure mode, verbose error message is still accessible by clicking the ‘View details’ link. (Metastorm\# SR-04252011-0013, DEF17205) 
  • DMS Single and Multi Clip controls incorrectly allow attaching a Windows folder. (DEF17180) 
  • In a DMS Multi Clip control, the fields have inconsistent lengths. Also, the labels for the fields are left aligned. (DEF17191)