Thankful to Rob and Joel on ProVision Support from Jim at DIA here in NZ


I just want to acknowledge the excellent support I've been getting from ProVision Support  - Joel and Rob.


Over the past month and a 1/2 with starting a new ProVision Modeling practice for Government Technology Services I've raised a large number of support cases and the response has been timely and always professional.  Well done.  We have actually found a few bugs that have gone to development for correction in a future release so thats a positive outcome that will result in a better product.


At times they have confirmed things are not the way I'd like them be be in a perfect world but having the facts confirmed is a much better position to be in.


So - thanks guys.  Great job.


Jim Clendon

Senior Enterise Architecture Modeler

Government Technology Services

Department of Internal Affaris

New Zealand
