There is almost no evidence that the "Ideas" forum is an effective means for users requesting or suggesting change to ProVision / Knowledge Exchange.
- of the 20 ideas implemented none relate to ProVision / Knowledge Exchange
- of the 7 accepted only 1 relates to ProVision / Knowledge Exchange
It would seem that ProVision development is getting significantly less attention than BPM.
I've been reviewing all the ideas and there are some pretty innovative ideas in there. In many cases the ideas are calling for functionality to match what's available in the market, or that resolve issues with using ProVision and Knowledge Exchange.
While the concept of users being able to see each others ideas and comment on them is a good one, overall I think the evidence is that it is ineffective. The previous method of rasing an enahncement request case at least got a response. This needs to be reviewed to see if it can be improved. Right now it's not working.