Metastorm BPM 9.0.3 Hotfix 5 (

Product:                                Metastorm BPM®

Release:                                9.0 SR3


Affected Components:      Metastorm ECL for WS, Metastorm Web Client


Purpose of the hotfix:


This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • Using the GetListEx method with its filter parameter not set to null displays an error message, “No Engines are available in the Metastorm BPM Server service”. (Metastorm\# SR-03142011-0004, SR-05092011-0004, DEF17218) 
  • The GetListEx method does not apply the filters (such as EqualTo, NotEqualTo, etc) correctly. ( DEF17355) 
  • When using a non-English language environment, trying to open a folder from the To Do list results in the loading image to be displayed but the folder is not opened. (Metastorm\# SR-05132011-0016, DEF17449) 
  • If you uncheck the “Disable script debugging” option from Internet Explorer settings and open a blank form that has Submit and Cancel buttons hidden using Java Script in the Designer’s ‘On form load’ event, clicking the Next button on the Form results in an “Interface unknown” error to be displayed. (Metastorm\# SR-04202011-0007, SR-05312011-0016, DEF17759)

Implications of the hotfix and other considerations:**** 


Before installing hotfix, backup manually web.config in the following location:
Transfer any customised settings from the backup copy to the updated web.config file as needed after installation. (Metastorm\# SR-04292011-0005, DEF17575)
