MC2 is now 1 year old and we are very appreciative to the 3000+ members that have registered and participated in the community. Community is a great way to share best practices, trouble shoot problems, and share solutions. The community is one of the ways that our company seeks to understand the usage patterns, successes, and struggles that our customers and partners experience, while trying to leverage their investment in our software.
It is now time for a "Face Lift". We have taken into consideration many of the suggestions that we have received to improve the community experience. In the next week, we will be providing a fresh new look. We have endeavored to provide a cleaner and easier to navigate environment. Some of the new features are detailed below.
- The Discuss page, which holds the user discussion forums, will have an intermediate landing page, which will allow you to select the boards appropriate for the product that you would like to discuss. After clicking on your product, only the relevant boards will be displayed. This provides us with additional real-estate, while presenting a less cluttered experience. Currently, all product discussion boards are presented on the Discuss page, which can be a little overwhelming.

- Similar navigation features, will be provided for the LEARN and IDEAS sections. Selecting your specific product will allow you to filter topics according to your product selection.
- Over the coming months, you will see additional changes, including tighter integration with Customer Support. Customers will be able to access their support tickets from the SUPPORT tab. We will begin to utilize videos to provide tips, tricks, and other helpful information. We realize that sometime videos are a great way to communicate information that is sometimes hard to comprehend in a document.

- We have had many of the community members ask us to allow them to upload their own avatars. We are happy to announce that you will be able to do this in the next few weeks.
- A new tab will be added to the navigation menu. “SHARE” will be a place for Metastorm, customers, and partners to share code and complete solutions to be used and incorporated into their own solutions. This feature will be added in the next 2 months. If you have any code that think will help others accelerate the projects then this is the place to share it. As with most software these days, customers and partners are able to advance solutions faster than the software vendor itself! Together as a community we can provide ready to use solutions that will benefits all.

As always, we look forward to your feedback.
Your Metastorm Community Central Team