Publishing issue


I have a small issue. My colleague and me we got the same ProVision Release. We have the same styles and settings filled out. But still when we do the publishing the font between us looks different. How can that be? We do exactly same? Has it to do with ProVision.? Do we have to do somewhere other settings or has it to do with the user himself like the pc settings. i dont know. Can you help me. Thanks.





  • Hi Chris,


    Can you detail the differences you're seeing?



    Matt Michael

  • Hello


    well the font is different.... the layout, the letters have different sizes between us.... but all our styles and settings are the same. So I dont know is it a Metastorm issue or a computer user issue.



  • Hi Chris,


    What are your respective resolution sizes?  What default fonts are you using? Do the models appear the same in ProVision?  Have you checked your MS Word settings? 




  • Hello,


    I am sorry but I dont know what you really mean. My collegues and me, we use the same Repository the same notebook with exactly the same html settings.

    Its just when i publish it with my notebook it looks different to hers when she is publishing it with her notebooks.

    So what has it to do with the MS Word settings? I dont get it. And in provision everything looks fine.

    I hope you know what I mean and that you can help me. Thanks.




  • Hi Chris,


    I am looking for what could be different between your machine and your coworkers machine.  What are you publishing to (Printer/HTML/Word)? If you are publishing to Word and you have a different default font or font size, there is a possibility that that particular setting could have an effect.  Can you provide screenshots of how your publish looks different?


