Metastorm BPM integration with Custom Application

Hi all,

 I am just new to Metastorm, worked on other BPM engines before.

 I am posting my first post here and i have question regarding integration of Metastorm with custom application.


 How we can expose the Busniess Process in Metastorm as Web service?


I have seen on forums that Process Activator can used to generate WSDL but nothing which says where that process activator is and how to use that tool.


I also want to know about the other options avaliable to integrate with custom application other then Web services, becuase as per i know metastorm ECL API can be used in .Net application to create a new folder/instance of Metastorm Busniess process.


I want to explore more on integration of metastorm BPM with custom application becuase our organization has heterogeneous environmnent where some application might be in Java and some might be in .Net and both will use Busniess process from Metastorm.


Your help is highly appreciated.



Lala Rabari



  • Hi Lala


    The Process Activator is run from within the Designer.  It's available in the "External Applications" tab.   The Activator wizard enables you to select specific actions & stages from a target process and then builds a Web Service exposing those actions/stages as service operations.


    As for the APIs, the ECL comes in .NET, Java & Web Services variants and expose all the client-side functionality.  So you can certainly use these APIs to start a new folder, and you can do that in both a Java or a .NET environment.



  • Thanks for your reply Dan.

    The version that we have installed is 9.0 and i was not able find "External Application"  tab in Designer, is there any seperate installation we need to do for process activator?




    Lala Rabari

  • Ethan Beisher
    Ethan Beisher E Community Moderator

    The Process Activator was included with SR1. You will find it after you upgrade.


     It is documented in chapter 41 of the Designer User's Guide.