Search Capability

I would like to be able to do a search on data fields.  As far a HOW the search takes place, I would like to see the partial fill-in of the words that are matching as I type.  For example, starting with an 'M' - - the field displays designated data that begins with the letter 'M'.  Then, as the letters are added, it starts showing the names available with those letters (e.g., 'Mo' as i begin to search for say 'Moringstar').  As soon as I see the name that I'm looking for, I can just click on it rather than continuing to type it out.


We are using BPM 7.6.  Does Metastorm support this kind of search?  Thanks. 



  • Not natively.  My experience of the closest would be having a drop down list that can be typed in, but it seems the "jump down" doesn't work once a blank or other punctuation is needed.  It seems similar in v9 as well, but the drop downs don't seem to "take focus" as they did in v7.