I have been requested to research wether BPM could be used to allow users to generate a single document based on either the values entered into form fields, or by combining (in a specified order) uploaded word documents?
We are looking at a process where currently several staff are working independantly on different parts of a document and at the end of it all the individual documents are being copied and pasted into the single document. There are many other aspects of this process so we wanted to see how far we can take BPM to make the process as streamlined and also enable anyone to lead the project (where currently only the one person is responsible and therefore there is a lot of knowledge being locked up).
I have read a little about the Client for Office application, is this what the application is designed to do?
We also have another process which is similar, except in this process it is pretty much data entry and the users through a 3rd party application are printing and generating word documents, does the Client for Office application have the ability to do bulk creation and printing of documents?
If there are any other suggesstions on how to achieve these requests I am more then happy to hear suggesstions.