Executing Oracle Procedure in Server Code in Metastorm BPM 9

Hi everyone,


could anyone provide me a working sample of executing oracle sql procedure in server side code. I tried construction like this but i get execption ORA - 00900  (Incorrect syntax)


QueryParameter[] _params = new QueryParameter[5];
            _params[0] = new QueryParameter("@P_CLIENT",_frm.Local.txtClient);
            _params[1] = new QueryParameter("@P_PROJECTID",_frm.Local.txtProjectId);
            _params[2] = new QueryParameter("@P_COMPNAME",_frm.Local.txtComponentName);
            _params[3] = new QueryParameter("@P_DESC",  _frm.Local.memDescription);
            _params[4] = new QueryParameter("@P_EUSERNAME",_frm.ProcessContext.UserName);

            Mstm.ExecuteProcedure(null, adr_addcomponent, _params);




  • Hello Adam,

    I would like to see working ExecuteProcedure with parameters example too. I spent some time with research, but I couldn't get it done too, so I use SelectSql instead, it works fine for me. I use MS SQL Server, but it shouldn't make any difference.


      "EXECUTE " + adr_addcomponent + " @P_CLIENT, @P_PROJECTID ... ", 
      SQLArg("@P_CLIENT", _frm.Local.txtClient), 
  • Try to execute it via pure ado.net.