I don't seem to be able to save a notebook as a file anymore (6.3). Anyone else seen this?
Hi Ira,
What specific steps are you following? If I have a notebook open in a local repository I am able to go to File -> Save As -> File and save without a problem. Likewise I am able to checkout data from KE to a .pvw file without problems.
Just as you describe. I have an open repository (local) with an open notebook. From the context menu or the main Provision menu, I choose Save As and File and get nothing after that. No response, no dialog to select name, nothing.
Hey Ira,
Can we investigate this further via ticket? I'm going to need additional information and potentially your data-set.
To log a ticket login to MCC, click on Support -> Click ProVision Support Site and click 'Submit Case'. For the ticket info/description, you can ask for me (Matt) and I can fill in the existing details for you. Unfortunately I can't open the ticket in your name at this time, but when we change our ticketing system I will be able to do this (we hope to have our new ticketing system rolled out soon).
Thank you, Matt Michael