Product: Metastorm BPM®
Release: 9.0 SR3
Affected Components: Metastorm Web Client
Purpose of the hotfix:
This hotfix addresses the following issues:
- A login window is displayed after a session times out in an SSO environment. This behavior occurs when a connection with the Process Engine is lost, when a Form cannot be opened from the To Do List Web Part, or when clicking on a folder in the To Do list. (Metastorm\# SR-04112011-0021, SR-04192011-0002, DEF18279, DEF18262, DEF18231)
Clearing the browser’s temporary files and cookies causes the Web Client to be accessed through the real BPM Web Client address although a reverse proxy is configured to access the Web Client.
To overcome the issue, new entries ReverseProxyHost and ReverseProxyPort settings have been added to the Web Client’s web.config file:
ReverseProxyHost should specify the reverse proxy URL without the "http://" string preceding the URL
proxyport should specify the proxy server port.
ReverseProxyPort should specify the reverse proxy port. The port can be left empty or disabled. In this case, the port number will be taken from the request.
proxyport should specify the proxy server port.
By default these new settings are disabled.
(Metastorm\# SR-03232011-0003, DEF18031)